Friday, January 8, 2010

Home Remedies For Acid Reflux Does Any One Have Home Remedies For Acid Reflux?

Does any one have home remedies for acid reflux? - home remedies for acid reflux

I am sick with a cold and I do not know why, if acid reflux and I rarely ate, and thought I could do it if you lot that I did not sleep last night, Abel, because to eat but then I get sick on Thursday, who was killed, but someone can help me please with home remedies


Morticae said...

Recipe for treating acid reflux:
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in water, 3x a day. Take a stronger mix (ie, more vinegar, less water) directly after a meal, if you treat acid reflux.

This can be seen that, I promise. They want the cider vinegar, which is ideally organic.

Raynay said...

Now, start to not eating enough can be so bad. Acids accumulate in the stomach, and then break them no food, damage to the stomach. Try to have something. We also have some Mylanta or Ant-acid. Otherwise, yes, eat. I have a terrible attack one or two years because they did not eat for a while. I took some Mylanta, I was always burning heart, and fled from the house for a few hours in a car accident trying enduce belching. When I came back, had calmed down quite well, I mean, I cried when I got him, now more bearable. It belched loudly and suddenly it was gone the real gas, the only Teddy Pain was mild, because the damage to my stomach! Good luck!

faith said...

Eat yogurt daily. It is better for the stomach!
You can also try to eat some cookies.

faith said...

Eat yogurt daily. It is better for the stomach!
You can also try to eat some cookies.

faith said...

Eat yogurt daily. It is better for the stomach!
You can also try to eat some cookies.

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